For our film trailer weapons are essential props, as it is focusing on the idea of survival, and is an action/thriller trying to show the extremes of human nature, therefore will most likely contain scenes of violence and brutality.
The weapons we are considering are fire arms, blades, machetes etc.
In this blog post I’m looking at different types of blades and even items found in the shed that could be used as weaponry.
The first weapon that could be used is- a pitch fork.

Connotations of the pitch fork are interesting, as they are traditionally associated with the idea of hell or Satan, with the devil traditionally being drawn as a red demon who wields a pitch fork as an object of torture.

The next weapon- The traditional blade knife
Blades have always been traditionally used as a weapon in films, as it readily connotes an air of menace and danger. It is recognisably a weapon, unlike the pitch fork, and we can use a variety of blades. In the research i have done into films such as Arena and hunger games, blades have typically appeared as a choice of weapon- so using them will help us to in keep with convention.
The character we were thinking to give this prop would be Eris as her character has a sadistic side, which would work well with this type of weaponry, as a blade being wield implies fatality and death, so use of this mise en scene will help reflect this aspect of her nature.
The character we were thinking to give this prop would be Eris as her character has a sadistic side, which would work well with this type of weaponry, as a blade being wield implies fatality and death, so use of this mise en scene will help reflect this aspect of her nature.
The third weapon- The Saw
(Chainsaws, would be useful as the sound- a metallic, groaning type noise- instantly signals to audiences something threatening, and we could overlay this sound onto our film- connotations eerie, foreboding, imagery of violence is connected with the image of a chain saw).
Saws are great weapons to use, as they could easily be found in a home, and if we are playing on the idea of our characters being so desperate they would use anything and everything to defend themselves, a saw is perfect. Saw's are traditionally a tool, but now have the media image of a dangerous weapon since modern films, such as SAW so we can exploit this new stereotype.