Sunday 2 December 2012

Filming: Day 2

Day: 2
Date: 24-11-12
Time: 11:00am - 4:00pm
Group Members Present: Danielle, Summer, Farah, Beth
No. of Actors Present: 1/6 actors

On the second day of filming, we had created a shot list for the day and planned everything we needed. We planned to work on the scenes with complicated effects and mise-en-scene as well as working with the 1 actor.


  • We filmed a small number of shots on this day as they were very complicated to set up due to setting up lighting etc to create the desired effects. 
  • We took at least 3 takes per shot to make sure we had a selection to choose from in post production.  As well as shots from different angles in some cases


Location/Mise en scene

  • We chose to film the window shot up against a cages frosted glass window to help aid the desired silhoetted effect we were aiming for.
  • We worked a lot with fake blood on this shoot, creating a bloody hand effect and a bloody puddle as well as using it as makeup on the actor.


Character head-shots

  • We followed the theme of the previous week in taking head-shots and body shots for the website/poster.



  • Makeup was used again on the actor to create the bruised and beaten up effect.
  • The outcome again was successful and created a realistic effect perfect for adding impact to our shots. 





  • We used the zoom recorder to capture the detail of the audio of the shots and used the clapper board in order to sync these in post production.

What to do next

  • Next week, we will have more actors on the day of filming, therefore, we will be able to get more shots done.
  • We will focus on the character head-shots for our website and poster, so that all characters have a profile photo.
  • We will film many short shots of the characters running, chasing and interacting (fighting) with each other for the trailer. 
  • We will film the spoken scenes with the actors

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