Friday 30 November 2012

Shooting schedule: December

Because of the difficulties with getting actors and crew together on the same day, and also the issues with getting days with similar weather for continuity within shots, we had to do several shoots, below is the schedule for December.

Shooting Schedule no 4:

Crew needed: Summer
Date: 12th December
Actors needed: Drake (Dani)
Actor arrival time: 11am am meet at Summers house
Arrive at Destination: 11 am
Time allocated for makeup: An hour/
Begin shooting: 12 pm
Estimated shooting time needed: Two/three hours
Props needed: Makeup (fake blood and body paint for bruising, wounds etc.) costume and weapons fake rifle.
Lighting: LED lights
Sound equipment: (all)
Camera equipment: two tripods, Cannon 550D, Nikon DSLR (for photos)

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