Tuesday 20 November 2012

Filming: Day 1

Day: 1
Date: 18-11-12
Time: 10:00am - 2:00pm
Group Members Present: Danielle, Summer, Farah
No. of Actors Present: 1/6 actors

On the first day of filming, following our shooting script, we knew which scenes we wanted to film this day. Although, we were limited to one actor that day, which also limited our choice of scenes.


  • We filmed many shots of the actor including one where he is being chased and is running away, being trapped in a cellar through railings, and aiming and shooting a bow and arrow. 
  • We made sure we had more than a few shots on each section so that we can choose the perfect shots for our trailer. 


Location/Mise en scene

  • We chose to film the shots near a pub, as there were more mise en scene in the area that would be good for our storyline.
  • We included large bolders from a nearby park, which were good to portray being enclosed away from the outside world, and also for the actor to run and jump up on. This adds to the action of the trailer.
  • We noticed that there were many barbed wire around the tops of walls, which was a great find for us. We took this at our advantage and filmed this as it would represent the impossibility of escaping.


Character head-shots

  • We made sure we captured enough head-shots of the actor which would be useful when producing our poster and website. 



  • We had a range of set-props we could use in the area that were naturally there, such as rocks and sticks which were used as weapons for the character.
  • As it is autumn, we noticed a vast amount of leaves and foliage around the park area and pavements. We used this to our advantage by ruffling the leaves to make wispy sound. We also filmed a shot of the actors feet, while running and being chased, which would make a good shot to use for our trailer montage.



  • This was the first day we tried the makeup/facepaint on the actor.
  • We were very pleased of the outcome, as the makeup was subtle but noticeable and has a great impact on the scenes.
  • We used black and brown facepaints for dirt and scratch marks, and fake blood for cuts and wounds.
  • It looked very realistic and would be a great addition to our film trailer, website and poster.



  • We found and recorded a vast range of sound for our trailer that day. This included the rustling of leaves, screaming of the actor being chased, and clanging sounds from metal bars.
  • We used a voice recorder to record individual sounds so that we can add them onto each shot while editing in the process.



  • The majority of our set actors could not make this day of filming hence we only had one actor. Although, we worked around this issue by focusing on this character and making sure we successfully complete the filming and capture head shots for this character.
  • Throughout filming, delay was caused by cars passing whilst filming scenes on the road. This interfered with the camera work and also produced unwanted excess sound. 

What to do next

  • Next week, we will have more actors on the day of filming, therefore, we will be able to get more shots done.
  • We will focus on the character head-shots for our website and poster, so that all characters have a profile photo.
  • We will film many short shots of the characters running, chasing and interacting (fighting) with each other for the trailer.

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