Tuesday 13 November 2012

Costume - women

I thought it would be a good idea to have all the characters in a type of uniform but with each character having some of their personality shown through the costume. Below are the women's costumes.

Strong woman:
I thought this character, as a seductive strong woman, should have a more fitted look to her costume as that would suit her personality more. I have opted for quite fitted combat trousers and a tight vest top.

Clever woman:
This is the costume I thought would be good for the clever woman role. The outfit is still attractive with a reasonably low cut top but it is a lot more practical than the other two outfits as it is slightly loser and more uniform based.

Peaceful woman:
This is the peaceful woman's costume. She has the same looser trousers as the smart woman but she has a vest top with some lace around the top to show she is more girly and doesn't want to fight.

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