Tuesday 6 November 2012

Gamer (2009) poster deconstruction

·         This film poster would be great inspiration for our film.
·         The background image of one man (the main protagonist) is shown which builds tension amongst the viewers.
·         The protagonist is looking directly at the audience, giving eye contact. This involves the audience and brings them into the film themselves, making them want to watch it.
·         The protagonists face is shown being distorted as the middle of his face is seen to have been smashed in the centre, forming a vertical jagged line down his face. This could represent two sides to this characters’ personality or that this character is on the verge of breaking down, or is being ‘broken’ by someone or something else. This could also indicate that the outside of his face represents one personality, whereas the small face that is ‘trying to get out’ of the black and white face is his contrasting personality. He could be trying to be someone else on the outside, whilst hiding his true personality underneath.
·         The colour scheme of the background is shown in black and white
·         The typography of the title is shown in block capitals and in the colour red. The colour red has negative connotations of blood, danger, death and destruction. This gives an ideal representation of the film itself, relating back to its genre of thriller.
·         The title is shown near the bottom of the poster, centred. This allows the audience to move their eyes around the poster, whilst also looking at other things shown on the poster, which also allows the viewer to get the image of the poster in their head, making it more memorable.
·         The tagline is shown directly underneath the title which also allows the audience to manoeuvre their eyes to find it, whilst looking closely at the whole poster.
·         The tagline is shown also in block capitals, mirroring the font of the title above. The colour is white which juxtaposes the genre of thriller to give a sense of innocence that this character and film might also represent – we have to watch it to find out how the innocence is portrayed.
·         The tagline is also shown as a question. This question is directed to the audience that is looking at the poster. It involves the audience so that they feel like they are part of the film themselves, therefore, making the audience want to watch the film.
·         At the very top of the poster, centred, is the main protagonists name shown in block capitals and also in red, which suits the scheme of the poster and relates to the thriller genre. This would also stand out and grab this actor’s fans’ attention, giving the film more popularity.

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