Tuesday 6 November 2012

Production Companies

I have researched different production companies which are relevant and suitable to our film genre of a thriller.

 Hammer Films productions

  • Hammer films is a British film production company which produces horror, thriller, and science fiction genres.
  • Produced thriller films such as ‘Straight on Till Morning’.
  • Even though this production company produces some thriller films, its main genre market is horror, which may influence us in our final decision as we are looking for production companies which are relative to most thriller genre films.

        Columbia Productions

  • This major film production company (one of the Big-Six) is very well known and would therefore make a good impression for our film trailer.
  • This company co-produced with EON Productions which is best known for producing James Bond films which are action/thriller films. This would be relative to our film and its genre and would therefore, be ideal to use.
  • This company produced ‘Salt’, ‘Skyfall’ and ‘Men In Black’, which are well-known thriller films so this would be good to use for our film, as it is relatable to the thriller genre.


  • Produced many different genres of films, including the thriller/horror films ‘The Silent Scream’ and ‘The Limits of Control’.
  • It is a well-known label that we could use effectively in the start of our film trailer.
  • The company operates partly in London which means that it would be great to use as it is set in Britain. 

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