Tuesday 6 November 2012

Character Representation: Hunger Games


Katniss Everdeen - Clever, Parental figure

  • For Katniss’ (the main protagonist in the film) representation, I have chosen ‘clever’ and a ‘parental figure’.
  • In the film, Katniss is clever and cunning as she knows the way to survive throughout the games using water, shelter (hiding places) and warmth.
  • She is portrayed as quiet, independent and fierce. This adds to the sense of cunningness and slyness that is needed to be able to claim victory in the games.
  • Katniss also acts as a sister figure towards Rue (the youngest, timid character) as she says ‘reminds her of her sister’.
  • She looks after Rue throughout the games, partnering up to make a team. This shows that she still has feelings and does not like the whole idea of the games and being forced to kill others.

Peeta Mellark – Wimp, peaceful and clever

  • For Peeta’s representation in the film, I have chosen ‘wimp’ and ‘peaceful’ as the sub-categories.
  • In the film, Peeta is a charismatic character, which helps him during the games. He is also seen as caring, which means that he doesn’t want to kill, and would just run away and hide, and also have feelings for the main protagonist, Katniss, thus, being a ‘wimp’ and a ‘coward’ and ‘peaceful’ for not contributing to the games and the cameras filming him for entertainment. 
  • Although, Peeta is a smart character who uses his limited skills in art to help camouflage him to hide and survive throughout the games. 

    Rue – Wimp, peaceful and clever

  • Rue’s representation in the film is similar to Peeta’s. Although, she is much younger than Peeta, she is very timid, shy and wary of others and her surroundings.
  • She uses her limited skills of tree-jumping carefully and easily throughout the games and to hide from her opponents.  
  • I have used the word ‘wimp’ to describe her as she hides away in the trees and just waits whilst her competitors fight to the death, which in a way, is clever itself. 
  • She is also peaceful in the fact that she is not worried or scared, but just shuts herself away from her surroundings and what’s happening around her. 

     Clove - Sadistic

  • For Cloves representation in the film, I have chosen ‘sadistic’. This is because, in the film, she has her eyes set on killing, and loves the idea of the Hunger Games. She loves to be centre of attention and even says ‘Let’s put on a good show for the cameras’, whilst torturing and trying to kill one of the other opponents in the games.
  • Clove is described as arrogant and strong. She is skilled with weaponry, mainly knives. This gives her a sense of dangerous and non-trustworthy personality. She is known not to miss her target. 

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