Thursday 17 January 2013

Poster information

Conventions of a film poster:

  • Title (to tell audience what the film is called i.e Akeldama)
  • Tagline (appropriate for genre and film)
  • Keep in genre (to let audience know what type of film it is, and to attract the target audience)
  • Same typography (as the website and teaser trailer)
  • Ratings (such as 5*, 4* etc.)
  • Release date (to tell the audience when the film is going to be shown in cinemas)
  • Main starring actors (to attract 'fans' attention and increase film popularity)
  • Pictures relate to film (appropriate images)
  • Golden rule (to allow the audiece to move their eyes aruond the whole poster to take in all info)
  • Focal picture (to firstly attract the audiences attention. Eye-level)
  • Info on production companies (to tell the audience who produced the film, and to increase popularity)
  • Accurate use of language (approprate to the genre and film, and to allow all ages to be able to understand)
  • Images are clear (so that audience can easily see the images, and relate to the film)

Potential photos to add to poster

  • These are pictures we may add to our poster including all four extreme close ups of each other the characters eyes. This gives a sense of mystery and enigma towards the audience which is what we want to portray.

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