Wednesday 23 January 2013


  • For our tagline, we wanted something that stands out and involves the audience. 
  • To do this, we may involve a question directed at the audience. 
  • This is to get the audience thinking about what they would do in the situation if they were in the film themselves.
  • Our final decision for the tagline is:  1 million viewers, 24 hours, 5 players, 1 survivor. 
  • We thought this tagline was appropriate for our genre and storyline, as we have noticed a few other taglines within the same genre that are similar.

  • We also wanted to add text at the beginning of our trailer to give the audience a clear idea of what the film is about. In the film trailer 'Arena' (2011), the first thing that is heard is diagetic dialogue saying 'Going live in 3,2,1...'. 
  • We took inspiration from this, but other than as a voice recording, we put it into text as we were already using a voice-over further on in the trailer. 

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