Tuesday 8 January 2013

Starting the website

I have set up an account on Wix.com which we will be using to create our website. This I think, from having a look at what we can do on there, is the best website design site we can use as it is simple and allows us to really control the entire design. 

Below is a screenshot from our website. This is not going to be the complete design because we need more images but I started practicing on the site to see what could be done. I think either a group shot or a dramatic image of one main character would be a good idea as it will show what type of film Akeldama is without revealing all the story. I think it would also be  good idea to use the same or a very similar image to the one used on the final poster as it will make the whole campaign fit together better.

We obviously are yet to have a fully edited trailer to upload, but once that is completed we can see exactly how the website will look. 

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