Friday 25 January 2013

Tagline research

This is the poster for Death Race (2008) and underneath the title is shown the Tagline 'Get ready for a killer ride'. This is a pun on the idea of the film being a race in which everyone want to be the last one alive. The film is an action film and this tagline relates well as it shows that this is a film based entirely around racing cars as already shown in the images and hinted at by the title. 

Gamer (2009) had the tagline 'Who's playing you?'. This relates well to the idea of the film as the main characters are fighting for control of there own bodies. It is a twist on the idea of someone 'playing you' as in being used or lied to as well the use of 'being played' in terms of someone hiding who they really are form you. The use of a question makes the viewer think longer about the poster and therefore the film. 

'Everyone has a breaking point' was the tagline for the 2010 film 'The experiment'. The idea of having a 'breaking point' relates to the idea of 'a mental breakdown', breaking out of being trapped and the idea that people are going to fight as they have reached their 'breaking point'. This tagline relates really well to the idea of the film but does tell us that the experiment is going to break down and so reveals the main part of the film a little. 

The film 'The bay' from 2012 used the tagline 'Panic feeds on fear'. This is a very unnerving tagline and relates very well to its horror genre. The image shows some sort of animal living inside a persons throat and so we can assume that the tagline is referring to the parasites feeding on the humans in the film as well as the fear people have of the parasites feeding the panic and chaos. The use of the word 'feeds' is used because, even though there is no mention of any parasites in the tagline or title, we immediately make the assumption that something is going to be eating the characters and shows that it is a horror film. 

'Hunt to kill' (2010) had the tagline 'survival of the baddest'. Although this is not necessarily a particularly clever or witty tagline it give the viewer a good idea of the genre and general plot of the film. The tagline here serves its purpose in that it shows us this is going to be a slightly 'over the top' action movie probably with some cheesy lines. 

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