Tuesday 26 February 2013

Conventions of a film website

  • ·      Must be easy to navigate – people want the information in-front of them.
  • ·       Must directly relate to aspects of the film – loading icon, menu etc in style of typography.
  • ·       Title clearly shown
  • ·       Release date clearly shown / ‘coming soon’
  • ·       An opportunity to book tickets of find a local cinema
  • ·       Some form of being interactive
  • ·       Trailer must be easy to find or load automatically.
  • ·       Critics reviews
  • ·       Names of other films associated with the producer or writer in the same genre.
  • ·       Production company name and logo shown.
  • ·       Playlist relating to the film or sound effects.
  • ·       Downloads or extra clips for the audience.
  • ·       Make it relevant for target audience – social networking links or downloads.
  • ·       Links to social networking sites.
  • ·       Gallery of film shots taken from film.
  • ·       Genre should be easily apparent.
  • ·       Merchandise
  • ·       Typography and images have to be the same as on trailer and poster– connections between all three
  • ·       Clips between pages.
  • ·       Moving transitions and animation
  • ·       Twitter feeds
  • ·       Games, apps and blogs – interactive for user

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