Saturday 9 February 2013

Filming: Day 3

Day: 3

Date: 1/12/12
Time: 11:00am -6:00pm
Group Members Present: Summer, Farah
No. of Actors Present: 2/5 actors

On the third day of filming, were working with 2 actors, and this day required a lot of preparation. 


  • We filmed many shots on this day, including scripted dialogue shots and interaction between the characters.
  • Throughout the day we made sure we had at least three shots per scene and took stills with the actors throughout the filming including separate photo shoots at the end of the session for stills for the poster and website.

 Location/Mise en scene

  • We used the industrial estate as location on this shoot, and used the Barrier animal clinic as a base to give the actors a green room
  • We were also able to use an outside spiral staircase to achieve the extreme high angle used in the sniper shot.
  • We also used a tanker quad full of industrial material as miss-en-scene which we rearranged for our purposes to film the dialogue scenes.

Character head-shots

  • We followed the theme of the previous week in taking head-shots and body shots for the website/poster.


  • Makeup was used on the actors to create the bruised and beaten up effect, which was different this time as we were working with different skin tones which required different types of makeup to create the desired effects.


  • We used the zoom recorder to capture the detail of the audio of the shots and used the clapper board in order to sync these in post production.  We also mounted the sound recorder on the camera to record sound in the tracking running shots.

What to do next

  • Next week we have one more actor to work with.
  • We will focus on the character head-shots for our website and poster, so that all characters have a profile photo.
  • We will film many short shots of the actor running, and  climbing on the industrial mise en scene
  • We will be working with the fake rifle and so will need to apply for street permission.

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