Saturday 9 February 2013

Filming: Day 4

Day: 4

Date: 14/12/12
Time: 4:00pm -6:00pm
Group Members Present: Summer
No. of Actors Present: 1/5 actors

On the fourth day of filming, were working with 1 actor, working mainly on photography and not filming on any particular scenes

 Location/Mise en scene 

  • We used the industrial estate as location mainly based at the tanker and the wall where our photo shoots are based 
  • The tanker was used heavily as the actor was able to interact and climb it

Character head-shots

  • We worked a lot on this on this day and took head-shots and body shots for the website/poster as well as taking pictures of the actors interacting with the set for the same purposes.


  • Because we didn't have clearance at this point to film on the streets with replica weapons we could not film the scenes that we had hoped to on this day and so had to add an additional day of filming for this once we had permission

What to do next

  • Film final shots with the last actor

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