Tuesday 12 February 2013

Website - Death Race 2

Death race 2 have a good website as it is easy to navigate, the trailer shows automatically and the background moves and is somewhat interactive. Games that appeal to the target audience (young adult males) are shown clearly on the homepage alongside the trailer so that they catch the users attention and reflect the feel of the film – a action film with girls in it.
There is all the information you need easily accessible on the homepage – social links, information about how to see the film or own it on DVD.
When loading each page, the loading icon comes up and is in the same style as the menu and so the whole website feels designed as a whole thing rather than in separate parts.
The social links are clear on the page and are actually repeated on the homepage and then on all other pages so that they are easily accessible and keep the website a social and interactive at all times.
As this is the website for the film which is now out on DVD, there are many different trailers and clips you can watch and these are easy to find and load on the homepage. 

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