Monday 11 March 2013

Existing film website research

  • 'Buried'

    ·       Trailer constantly plays on home page
    ·       Links to other parts of the site are listed at the side
    ·       Option to book tickets with the theatre finder
    ·       Whilst loading comes up with a main part of the film ’90.00 minutes’.
    ·       Called ‘experience buried’ to relate to the film making you feel like you are in the situation.
    ·       Good genre links to the film – we can tell from the website this is going to be a horror/thriller.
    ·       Reviews at the bottom of the screen.

    'Bourne Ultimatum'

    ·       Uses the same look as ‘official government websites’ used in the film
    ·       Shows trailer
    ·       Links to other areas about specific characters without having to scroll
    ·       Easy to navigate – none of the pages require you to scroll
    ·       ‘intel’ link shows other areas of the website – quite hard to find without specifically looking 

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