Monday 11 March 2013

website - adding the trailer

Before I could add the trailer to the website, we had to upload the final version to a YouTube account (Summer already had a channel on Youtube set up for this). Then I selected 'Add' and 'Media' to add a film to the site. This meant that a direct link to the trailer could be made on the site and so the trailer could play automatically on our site. I copied the URL of the trailer from where it is on Youtube and pasted it in the URL bar of the added media and this created the link for the trailer to be on our site. 

Then I had to decide if I wanted the trailer to play automatically, if the control bar would be visible at all times and where the box would be in terms of all the other parts of the web page. I decided that the trailer should play automatically as the best websites we looked at had the trailer as the first thing you saw. Putting the trailer box on the left hand side of the screen meant that the photographs which make up the background could still be seen properly. The trailer is only shown when you load the homepage because it might be irritating for the user and therefore not user friendly if the trailer kept playing on every page they loaded. 

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