Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Question 3

Q3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?


  • Our target audience is males and females 18-30 years old. 
  • During our research and planning stage, we produced a survey which we sent out to 100 people within our target audience. 
  • The purpose of this was to find out what attracts an audience to a film trailer and what conventions have the biggest impact.

  • We chose to use a survey as our primary research, as well as secondary research, into collecting first-hand data because it is quick and easy to distribute across to a large proportion of our target audience via internet media such as e-mail, Facebook.com and Twitter.com.
  •  It is also quick and easy to receive responses, by using Surveymonkey.com, responses automatically show on our account.
  • We made sure that our survey included both open and closed questions in order to receive both quantitative and qualitative data to ensure a variety of responses. 
  • Our survey included questions about what genre, location, type of music are best in a film trailer. 
  • These are examples of our multiple choice (closed) questions in our survey: 

  • There were many things we took into account when reviewing our responses, for example, we decided to take on board that the most popular film genre was a thriller, therefore, we focused on producing a thriller film trailer as it would attract a large audience. 
  • However, there were some questions in which we subverted the most popular choice for many reasons such as availability of equipment/actors, and suitability. For example, our third question asked 'Do you think romance is suitable in a thriller film?' in which our responses concluded that most our our audience did want romance in the film. Although, we chose not to include romance in our trailer as we wanted to focus more on the main genre and conventions of a thriller. 

  • We also included an open question of 'What grabs your attention in a thriller trailer/what makes you want to watch the film?'. We used an open question in order to receive qualitative data in order to find our exactly what the person taking the survey is thinking. 
  • Their views matter the most in text, so we could gather a clear understanding of what the majority think and like. 
  • These were our responses to this question:

  • From these responses, we learned that suspense and a sense of enigma was most common. We learned that the audience likes not knowing what's going to happen next. Therefore, we incorporated this into our film trailer by using jumps and 'boom' sounds in order to keep the audience captivated when watching the trailer. 

    • From question 1, we learned that the most popular film genre was thriller. Therefore, we took this on board and focused on the thriller genre as it would most likely attract a large proportion of our target audience.

    • However, from question 2, we challenged the audiences feedback, and choosing 'action' as our sub-genre, as we thought it would fit our ideas/storyline better and have a bigger impact on the audience.

    • In question 5, we learned that the majority of our target audience would like to see our main location in our trailer to be in a castle. However, the availability and cost of this particular location restricted us to not using this type of location.
    • However, we focused on finding abandoned buildings an came across and unused area under an unused kennels in London.

    • In question 6, we learned that the majority of our target audience would like to hear fast paced music involving suspense and climax.We took this on board and in our final trailer, we did use an upbeat soundtrack which leads to a climax when the typography is shown.

    • In this question, we also found that the third most popular choice was the sound of a heartbeat. We did take this on board and incorporated a heart beat sound at the end of our trailer in response to a final climax of the trailer.



    • After we finished our trailer, we wanted to find out what our audience thought of our final piece. 
    • In order to receive relevant feedback from our target audience, we posted our final finished trailer onto the worldwide video distribution website, Youtube.com.

    • To date, we have received 248 views, and achieved a 100% positive 'like' response.
    • Positive comments have been received on the webpage, including:  

    • Overall, we have found that audience feedback is very important as it has helped us to produce a trailer and our ancillary tasks to the best it can be, and to attract our target audience successfully. 
    • Post-production feedback is also important as it can give us an idea of what to improve on in the future. 

    • To add to the strengh of our audience feedback, we produced a final survey called 'Trailer feedback' in which we sent out to a large proportion of our target audience.
    • The survey included 10 questions asking what the audience liked about the trailer, and what improvements could be made.
    • These are examples of our questions:


    • We recieved both positive and negative feedback from these. Constructive criticism is good for us as it would tell us what we could do to make our trailer better if needed to in the future.
    Positive feedback:

    • 100% of participants answered 'Yes' to the first question of 'Do you like the trailer?'
    • 100% of participants answered 'Yes' to the question of 'Does the trailer match the genre?'

    • Open questions such as 'Do you think the audio compliments the trailer and why?' recieved positive responses also as shown in the image to the left.
    • Another open question asked 'How effective was the use of camera angles?', we recieved positive feedback from this as shown in the image to the right.

    Negative feedback:

    • We recieved a few negative responses also, including:
    • To the open question of 'What aspects of the trailer would you change? (if any)', participants replied with:

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