Saturday 22 September 2012

Panic Button - 2011 Website deconstruction

Tag line for film - Have You Read The Terms & Conditions?

'Four young people win a competition of a lifetime; Jo (Scarlett Alice Johnson – Adulthood), Max (Jack Gordon – Heartless) Gwen (Elen Rhys – Season Of The Witch) and Dave (Michael Jibson – The Bank Job) head off on an all expenses paid trip to New York, courtesy of social network As they board the private jet, they are asked to relinquish their mobile phones and take part in the in-flight entertainment – a new online gaming experience.
Once airborne, it soon becomes evident after some provocative and disturbing challenges, that their mystery host knows far more about them than they’d ever dared imagine. Trapped at 30,000 feet with everything at stake, they must play for the lives of their loved ones, as a series of twists lead the game toward its gruesome and shocking finale. Panic Button is a breathless psychological horror for the 21st century, which carries the stark warning to us all… When you live your life online, there is no Esc…'

  • Very easy to navigate - links to other area on the site are show clearly at the top of the screen.
  • Option to watch the trailer is the first thing on the home screen.
  • You have to scroll down to see the entire home screen - maybe some things on the home screen should have been put on other areas of the site?
  • link to visit the fake site in the film ‘’ involves the audience and makes the film more real - you can play a game with the villain ‘alligator’. 
  • Reviews on home screen to promote the film.
  • Name of the film in white and red at the top of the screen - makes it look like they are two white lights but the word ‘button’ has got blood on it; very good for showing it is a psychological slasher horror. 
  • on all other parts of the site apart form the homepage there is live updates from the company’s twitter posts.
  • has page dedicated to links - means that fans of the film or the company can get to sites related easily. 
  • Store link to get merchandise from the film.
  • Link to to buy the dvd of the film - relates well to target audience who will most likely buy the film online. 
  • Links on every page to tweet, like on facebook or mention on your google profile about the film - relates to target audience who may want to share the information and relates well to the concept of the film; the film is based around a social networking site and so the film website has to have links to similar sites. 
  • summery of the plot on the site (show above).
  • Information about the main actors in the film. 
  • in Gallery there are links to the trailer, previews, interviews with the cast and information about production of the film. 
  • Links to full reviews. 
  • The background is the red eye from the film but this is barely visible due to the black background behind the writing - would be better if they rearranged the site. 
  • Red, white and black colours clearly relate to the violence in the film and the red eye that features. Shows genre well but not very interesting - the site overall is a little basic. 

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