Monday 24 September 2012

Premium Rush (2012) Teaser trailer

Premium Rush

Camera angles


          Lots of establishing shots showing New York – landmark promotion
-        Mid-shots and various angles of roads, cars and general traffic – emphasis on type of film (Action, Thriller)
-        Close up on bike chain and the wheels to show how it is a key element in the film.
-        Hand Close up stopping the bike m- used with other techniques to show that this is a turning point within the plot of the film.
-        Most shots are close – shows tension – thriller genre, keeps audience in suspense – young adults target audience - current trend of adrenalin seekers.
-        Mid shot of car approaching from directly in front – is slowed down builds the tension.
-        - Mostly shots of city with a few establishing shots of additional places such as the greyscale shot of a dock which show that the film has more than one layer.


    Fast pace –
o   Highlights the action genre and shows the audience that the film is going to be upbeat and exciting. 
o   The first several establishing shots only last around half a second each with jump cut transitions between them.  The establishing shots show that the film is set in the city showing that the film has an urban genre.  In between these shots are shots of the main character on his bike giving information about the film to the audience. 
-        Fade to black and fade from black breaks up different events in plot shows progression of the storyline
-        Rapid single frames of slug – speed and pace of entire film shows how upbeat it is – thriller/action
-        Title sequence – special FX map of main character’s route – summary of events in one shot
-        Majority of shots are tracking shots – links to theme of movement and speed – shows that the genre is action

-        Repetition of “Wilee” emphasis on main character
-        Key phrases link to genre “It’s life and death”
-        Sound of trains passing – aural representation of speed theme used throughout trailer
-        Soundtrack and dialogue intertwined very cleverly as soundtrack volume decreases with key, important dialogue – builds tension and emphasises genre.
o   Example is when the man is asking Wilee if he has a family or friends who will miss him – where the equilibrium is lost and the tension begins to build
-        Music is modern – shows that the film is urban and makes it relevant to the target audience who would be young adults as well as adults.
-        Soundtrack matches edits with the beats – very effective in creating a big impact for the audience and conforms to conventions of action trailers.


-        Shot in club with Wilee’s friends has red light shows the danger aspect of the film and correlates with the dialogue over this shot.
-        Wilee rides against the traffic – shows both character traits and that the film covers controversial topics and themes.
-        Wilee is in red – he is in danger – vibrant colour – attracts danger
-        Wilee is on a professional, high class bike – shows audience he is a good rider and stands a chance against danger presented so applies chance to the plot – makes it exciting for the audience.
-        - Shots of wads of money show the involvement of money and also enforces the idea of power – links to genre of thriller and makes the film appear more exciting for the audience
-        Shots of fences and other obstacles show the audience that the journey undertaken in film is a challenge – appealing to target audience in current trends of action adventures.
-        Smoke is used to show the presence of immediate danger – common in action films.
-        Wilee’s bike and equipment are slightly rusted and clearly quite old which puts him in comparison to the wealthy people he is dealing with and allows the audience to empathise with him immediately – links to issues faced by many young people in modern society thrown into disequilibrium of the situation that the main character faces.


-       “This Summer” is on a black background and is in a pale stone colour so stands out – typography is like blocks of cement – links to the theme of the road.
-        “Ride,” “Like,” and “Hell” are all plainer typography for the actual text but the road is shown in the background with slowed graphics of pieces of rock in the air – showing some sort of explosion or damage to the road which links to the action genre.
-        “From Columbia Pictures” is shown in the block plain text on a cityscape background – used both as typography and an establishing shot.
-        “Premium Rush” is shown on a bike frame with colour theme of yellow black and white – city colours linking to themes used in film and the genre of the film.
o   Behind the bike frame you can see the wheel still spinning fast which links to the themes of speed and movement.
-        Background in “coming soon” typography is a section of road – links back to theme used throughout.

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