Saturday 22 September 2012

Untraceable (2008) trailer deconstruction

  • Production company names pixelate onto the screen - shows the film is about computers, cyber space and internet. Pixelated suggests based near to modern day due to technology. 
  • Non diegectic voice over in deep male voice - suggests this is a thriller or action movie based on norms of trailers for this genre. explains that this is about the FBI cyber criminal unit; going to be a thriller based around crime on the internet.  
  • ‘they can find any criminal at the touch of a button’ shows us that they can usually find anyone, anywhere so we can assume that this is a thriller because they can’t find the criminal. 
  • Shot of protagonist on the phone saying she has found the criminal shows us how simple the tracker usually is - fade to black suggests change for the worse as black has connotations of evil. 
  • Black lines appear in-between each shot resembling lines on a computer screen that is broken - systems are not going to work? 
  • Shots showing successful arrest of a criminal to show contrast between what they normally can achieve and the difficulties the next criminal is going to cause - allows the audience to predict the general plot of the film as there wouldn’t be a film if it was like any other arrest. 
  • ‘nothing prepared them for this’ entices audience because we want to know what the FBI was not prepared for. 

  • www.killwithme’ is typed on the screen - involves the audience in the scene and creates shock at the expectation of what the site is about. 
  • The shots jump from each other to resemble a computer screen failing and also to create confusion - we see the site open and then a video of a man gagged. We can assume the man in the video will be killed in some way controlled by the website. 

  • Blue lighting creates slightly futuristic and ‘cyber’ atmosphere - the artificial lighting, metal and blue colour everywhere reflects the computer aspect of the film.
  • ‘just when you think you’ve seen it all’ tells the audience that this has never happened before - concerns the audience because the man seems more intrigued and amazed by the site that shocked; is this the way everyone else will react?
  • ‘You’re invited to witness a murder’ zoom out on the text as if in a game or actually in the network - blue and black lighting reminds audience of media representation of ‘cyber space’. 
  • Shots are constantly flickering to resemble a video being streamed form a low quality website - like we are watching the trailer on a broken computer screen. 
  • The two men explain that the box is controlled by the number of hits the site gets and controls how quickly the man dies - we almost know the entire plot from this trailer but it is a theatrical instead of a teaser. 
  • mise en scene - all the furniture in the rooms is white, blue or black to reflect importance of the computers to the plot. Majority of costumes are blue or black to reflect the location design. Lighting is both artificial and natural but always very cold and white in colour - again reflect the technology aspect of the film. 

  • Text appears on a blue and black background - zooms out to see words through binary code; it looks as if we are having to look through the computers to know about the film. 
  • ‘its untraceable’ reveals to the audience exactly what the film is about and why this is a difficult case. 

  • ‘The whole world is tuning in’ -we see clips of people all around the world on the computer and a red panel showing the number of hits appears to show they can’t stop people helping this man kill. People look like us - makes the audience question if they would go on the website. “HITS’ appears in a red panel - connotations of anger, murder and blood. 
  • As the shots of people on the site speed up we finally hear a man cry out - makes audience want to watch to see what happened and what will happen next.

  • Shows government officials broadcasting about the site and then people on the internet all over the world. Shots become pixelated to show that more people are going on the site. 
  • Non diegetic music is quick violins and makes the audience tense and reflects the speed of the film which we now know is about racing against time. 

  • Music stops and is replaced but unnerving deep notes as the protagonist learns that she is a target. 

  • tag line is a question - ‘how do you catch a killer who’s untraceable?’ makes audience remember it because they had to think. Colours of background become lighter blue and white to show a change in the tone: now that the protagonist is the victim we can assume the killer will be caught. Also resembles the screen when the URL code was typed in. 
  • ‘Diane Lane’ is the main character and a famous actress - promotional as people who like her other films will want to see it. 
  • Shows that the film explores very modern day fears - “he hacked into the computer on my car’ - scary idea as everyone has a computer in their car that they could be attacked through hacking. 
  • Music fades when protagonist is stuck in her car - audience is prepared for a jump and we can assume this is the climax in the film. 
  • Lights on car computer system resemble the blue, black and white seen throughout the trailer. 
  • Shadow of a man sits up in the back of the car as music gets louder and sounds like a crashing sound - similar to when computers fail?

  • Slight high angle shot of the protagonists wide eyes as she sees the man dissolves into graphic match of a zero in binary code which zooms out quickly to become ‘untraceable’.

  • The date of release, the website and the production companies are shown. The release dat fades into the characters computer log in information and then the tag line ‘we are the weapon’ - the log in is clever as it makes it seem you have hacked into her account to see the trailer. All the text flickers as if on a computer which is failing. 

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