Tuesday 16 October 2012

Actor appearance - weak female victim

Weaker victim woman:

  • Katie Featherston plays herself in 'Paranormal Activity' and is the victim of the demon who is haunting her house. She is the typical victim in terms of that she tries to run away from the antagonist. 
  • Her appearance is typical of a victim as she is about average in weight and height. She is also average in terms of how attractive she is - the audience are meant to believe this film is a home video so it is important that the actors are not too unusual in any way. 

  • Paris Hilton Plays Paige Edwards in 'House of Wax' from 2005. She is the typical girly, dumb blonde victim. 
  • The audience doesn't relate her as much as the stronger female character because she is very skinny and more pretty than average.
  • This character is almost a joke as it is someone who is hard to relate to and fits the stereotype of the dumb blonde getting killed - she dies early on and its because she was running away rather than putting up a fight. 

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