Tuesday 23 October 2012

Terminator Salvation (2009) poster deconstruction

  • Plays on the conventions of the golden rule. The main image of the skull is in the middle, but upside down. This allows the audiences eyes to move and manoeuvre around the poster in order to come to grips with what the image actually is, whilst looking around at the whole poster taking in all the information such as the release date, the title and the actors in it.
  • The eyes of the skull are the main focus. The colour red is illuminated and lit up which is suggesting that the skull is ‘still alive’.
  • The red has negative connotations of danger, pain, death and destruction. The red contrasts to the overall background colour scheme of brown, black and cream – natural. This makes the red stand out and eye-catching to the audience, relating to the horror thriller genre.
  • The background illustrates a fight, destruction scene which gives away that the film is about action.  This imagery links to tagline ‘We fight back’ which also relates back to the genre of the film.
  • The typography is very metallic, robotic, futuristic and artificial. We can take this as inspiration as it would be a great look on our typography.
  • We can see thick, dark grey/brown smoke emerging from the mechanical works of the skull body, which relates back to the metallic/futuristic feel and industrialisation. This adds to the action of the film relating back to its genre. 

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