Sunday 21 October 2012

Character Representation - Clever woman

We have a character in our film who we would classify as the clever woman in the narrative. I have chosen to analyse the character of Evelyne Salt (played by Angelina Jolie) in the 2010 thriller 'Salt' as I think this character is what we would most need to base our character on as it is a very good representation of an intelligent woman. 

Below is the trailer for the movie released summer 2010:

Traits of Evelyne Salt we could use or replicate for our strong female character-

  • Authority - Salt is intelligent and uses this to show her control of the situation at the beginning especially and then again when she decides to use what she has learned to take control of the people who claim she is a spy. We could replicate this authorial role by simply making sure our character is confident and doesn't second guess themselves.
  • Athletic - our characters in the story have all been chosen to take part in the 'show' because they would put up a good fight. This means we need to replicate the ability to be active that Salt has in this film for our character to make sense. 
  • Appearance - Throughout the film, Salt always looks good and groomed. Obviously, part of this is due to it being Angelina Jolie playing the role and the directors didn't want the leading role to look bad, but it also reflects the need for control of the character. Controlling qualities are often linked to intelligence because of the self control and dedication required to achieve academic results and the mise en scene of 'Salt' is reflecting this trait in Salt's character. 
Sound -

  •  'I'm Evelyne Salt' - her unwavering and slightly patronising tone shows her confidence and intelligence - she sounds as if she is laughing at his claim and isn't unnerved by his assured tone.
  • 'Im innocent, someone is setting me up' - again the characters conviction and confident tone shows us that she is used to being listened to because she has something important, and worth listening to, to say. 

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