Tuesday 16 October 2012

Character Representation - Eris

Sadistic - Eris

For our character of the sadistic woman I will be analysing the character of The Bride from the film Kill Bill as I feel that she holds the sadistic qualities we are looking for in Eris.

The main traits we can receive from the Bride are:

  • Her lack of care for the woman she inures
  • Her cold heartless nature
  • Her anger
  • Her lack of compassion
  • Her focus she holds on her victim
  • Her skill in fighting
  • Her cold stare
Even though she doesn't say anything, her character is very distinctive through her facial expression and movement in the scene which i think is a successful technique in showing a sadistic character.

The other sadistic character I am going to analyse is The Joker from Batman: The Dark Knight.  His performance shows that he is psychotic and enjoys making people suffer which is why I think he is relevant to our character of Eris.


The main traits we can receive from the Joker are:

  • His enjoyment in making people suffer
  • His twitchy psychotic movements
  • The way he dresses up in a nurses outfit and wig - he is putting on a show
  • He hums a song which shows he is crazy and enjoying what he is doing
  • His lack of nerves
  • The scars on his face show past suffering
  • He often flicks his tongue out like a lizard - metal tendencies
  • He skips from the building as it explodes behind him - surreal and disturbed
His dialogue emphasises his traits, and there are some good ideas that could be used in our trailer

  • He says "Do I look like a man with a plan?" Shows he is impulsive and unpredictable
  • Throughout the film he keeps repeating "Wanna know how I got these scars" which shows he is affected my his past but proud that it has made him like he is.
  • His tone of voice remains always calm even when he is being attacked by batman.
  • He often laughs out loud to innapropriate things like talking about killing someone - shows how deranged  he is.

I think that  the Joker's tendency to want to put on a show and his enjoyment of other people suffering along with references to his past are all very good influences for our character of Eris.

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