Friday 19 October 2012

Deconstruction: Saw Trailer (2004)

Trailer deconstruction looking at the film SAW:

  • Opening: Opens by zooming in on a medium shot of television screen with the jigsaw puppet saying, “I want to play a game…” The voice used is a man’s voice, but sounds as though a voice generator has been used, creating a deeper, and hoarse tone. Making the puppet figure appear more eerie, and mysterious.

  •  Mise en scene: Using the puppet plays on the connotations of childhood- a child’s toy; giving a sense of innocence and fun, however this is subverted as the puppet is being used in a way which is menacing and threatening.

  • The puppet’s face has extremely prominent cheek’s, and large, expression less, circular eyes giving it a twisted, deformed like quality. This tells the audience that this is not a children’s film, and creates a sense of foreboding, what kind of ‘game’?

  •  On the puppets cheeks are two red bulls eye symbols, using the conventional colour red connotes blood, gore and violence to the audience. The use of bulls eye symbols, suggests the idea of a ‘target’ being a feature in the film.

  • The message is shown on an old television, this gives the image a grainy appearance, which further distorts the puppets face, increasing the feeling of menace.

  • The television is propped on what appears to be a scratched wooden box, possibly suggesting that the message is not being screened in someone’s home. Creating an enigma, who’s watching this and where?

  •  On top of the television is what appears too be two images; enigmatic again, who or what of?

  • Following the medium shot is a montage of newspaper clippers run at high transition speed.
  • The newspaper clipping give information to the audience; informing them that a number of killings have taken place.
  •  And that Jigsaw is the nickname for a serial killer.
  • This gives information to the plot, stereotypically creating an enigma through using an unsolved crime case.
  • The idea of a serial killer connotes to the audience, danger and violence- building up suspense within the trailer.
  •  Voice over- “The jigsaw killer” is embedded over the top of the clippings, emphasising that jigsaw is a threat/danger.

  • After the montage, a slide has been edited in.
  • Typography: “IT’S HIS GAME” written in bold white lettering, the use of white holds connotations of innocence, purity and good which are being subverted in this context. This is a typical feature in the thriller/horror genre as there is something uncomfortable by creating evil where we expect there to be good.
  • The edges of the font are blurred, giving them a similar appearance to fog or smoke.
  • The background is mainly plain black, but in the bottom right corner is a white blur, like breath on glass, creates the feeling of being under surveillance.

  •  A long shot follows.
  • The shots is grainy quality; stolen from a surveillance camera?
  • Creates idea that Jigsaw is constantly watching- appearence of CCTV footage.
  • Audience: feel on edge.
  • Jump cuts to man on bathroom floor.
  • “Technically speaking, he’s not really a murderer, he never killed anyone. He finds ways for his victims, to kill themselves”-  Diegetic narrative creates a twist in the plot, audience now understand “Jigsaw” is more complex than first thought, he’s going to test his ‘victims’ and perhaps torture them.
  •  Gives more of an impression that ‘Jigsaw’ is cruel, and enjoys playing around with victims, is it more of a game to him?

  • Another long shot is used- of whom?
  • Costume is used here to make the character mysterious/enigmatic; the character sports a long black cape; which traditionally holds connotations of death or evil- the grim reaper in general media images is dressed in a black cloak, stooped over like in this picture

  • Mise en scene: There are industrial overhead lamps and wire fencing suggesting the location is an underground warehouse or car park.
  • Coming from behind the dark figure, is smoke or steam- furthering the sense of foreboding and tension as smoke connotes flame, and fury, which are traditionally linked to hell and retribution.

  • The voice of the jigsaw puppet is used in a voice over “Doctor Gordon” is he naming his next victim as following this is close-up shots on two middle aged men, one of which possibly being Dr Gordon?

  • A feeling of fear is created, heightened by the screen going to black out and the voice of Jigsaw “Let the games begin”. Signalling that the trailer is going to become more explicitly violent.
  • The sound also intensifies as another high-pitched scream is used.

  • A montage of horrific shots, showing what must be Jigsaw’s ‘games’ is used.

  •  (Above) is a close-up shot from the montage, the mise en scene depicts a young woman/girl, caught in some sort of mechanical head brace; connoting a form of torture.

  • The lighting used is a grey/greenish colour possibly using a gel, making the surroundings appear more gritty- technique found often in horror.

  • Placed over this shot is non-diegetic noise of a ticking clock, suggesting time is short, will she survive?

  • This is followed by a 180-degree rule, depicting a close up on a lamp and a dark interrogation type room- another place of torture.

  • The speed of this shot is rapid, giving a sense of disorientation and disequilibria.

  •  The montage is followed by another embedded slide, reading simply “SAW”.
  • Sound- Non-diegetic is used at the end to create a climax, with a shrill, distorted laugh being played over the name.

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