Wednesday 10 October 2012

Deconstruction:The Hole trailer (2001)

Trailer deconstruction looking at the film: The hole


· Opening: Non- diegetic narrative “How would you like to go to the best private party of your life?” (Girls voice) Use of the adjective “best”, has the effect of promoting the party and making it seem positive and fun.
· Also the noun “private" is used, making it seem exclusive and therefore more prestigious; not everyone can attend.
· A (above) slide is embedded reading “An exclusive invitation” in red font playing on both, the connotations of red representing danger, and also the connotations of red being, rich and indulgent- the parties going to be incredible. This is building a enigmatic question to the audience, this sounds great, so why is it a thriller?
· There is then a shot, reverse, shot showing two girls discussing the party.
· Costume- The girls are dressed in white shirts, of school uniform style implying they’re students. Both wear makeup and are pretty, they appear ordinary, conventional for the beginning of a thriller.
· One of the girls (brunette) informs the reader who else will be going to the party “Me, you, Mike and Geoff” as she says this there is a montage of the two boys.
· Mise en scene- Mike is shown in a medium shot, of him on a field sporting a rugby shirt, suggesting he’s athletic. He’s muscular and good-looking.
· Geoff is shown being flirted with by the (blonde girl) Frankie, topless- possibly in the changing room. Suggests the sexual relationship between the two of them too the audience.

  • Shown in a close up of the two characters Frankie leans toward Geoff and whispers “Ab-solute-ly extracurricular” elongating the vowel’s showing her character is suggestive and flaunts her sexuality.

    · It then crosscuts between Mikes agreeing to join the ‘exclusive party’ saying, “Alright, I’m in.” (As he agrees editing has been used, to make the handshake appear eerie and supernatural as it flashes creating a negative effect) to the group peering in too the location of this ‘party’.

  • The above long shot is taken from a worm’s eye view, showing the audience that they’re going to be underground.
  • Colour’s the hole appear dark- tomblike, cage?
  • Sound: there is a mechanical noise as they open the bunker, suggesting the weight of the seal- foreboding.
  • There is diegetic noise of the group “whoaaa!” and loud music- creates impression the group are having fun- the parties going as planned.
  • A montage of different shots is used showing the teens partying; this is created with typical Mise en scene- alcohol, wine bottles, cigarettes shots of Frankie and Liz (two main protagonist’s girls) dancing.
  • Geoff (one of the two male main protoganist's) appears with a trolley full of wine, and two cigarettes in his mouth- food and drink seem plentiful.

  • Close ups on both couples Geoff and Frankie, Liz and Mike making out (seems like an ordinary party, like it’s going to be a success).
  • The music is up-tempo and fast, giving to the idea that they’re care free, happy.
  • This is juxtaposed by the following linear medium shot, showing them sometime later- a red gel has been used creating a distorted scene. It depicts Mike’s hair being grabbed- juxtaposes previous scene.
  • Another slide is embedded, reading “But deep in the darkness” use of “but” signalling the change.
  • “What the f*** is wrong with you?!” – Mike, exclamatory and enigmatic; makes the audience ask what has happened?
  • A medium shot of the group huddled together in the dark, creates suspense and fear.

  • What is, down there?
  • Sound: Music is removed and replaced, by slow heavy breathing- suggesting fright and fear. Enigma created.

  • This medium shot of rotten food- suggests change and progression in time; how long have they been there, are they alive?
  • The rotten food also connotes that things have gone 'bad', not just literally by the food going of, but that this is not how things where intended to go.

  • Another montage is played; each shot played at rapid transition speed- making the plot unclear, and out of sync, creates a sense of disequilibruim.
  • A loud piercing scream is heard from Frankie, followed by this medium shot- the positioning of Frankie crouched down on the floor connotes desperation.
  • The lighting: the “hole” is poorly lit, making a number of shadows and silhouettes, creates a ghostly/creepy effect.
  • They’re trapped in the dark.
  • A close up shot show’s Frankie again, this time crouched over a grimy toilet rim puking- tells the audience something’s gone wrong.

  •  Mise en scene: They have used makeup or paint to create blood splatter down the walls, which is both gorey and also connotes violence and death, in keeping with the conventional expectations from a horror/thriller film. 
  • The blood splatter pushes what the audience are comfortable with, and plays on the idea of morbid fascination, as its not pleasent to watch, but is almost enjoyable in the context of the film.
  • The strange glowing orb- shown reflected on the wall of this medium shot, gives the appearance of a possible super natural aspect to the plot.
  • “How long before we’re found?” – TAudience knows they can’t get out, no one knows where they are.

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