Monday 15 October 2012

Survey: Market Research: Results

I have successfully collected 100 responses for the survey I created about the thriller genre. I have analysed the results below:

1. What is your favourite film genre?

  • The results for question one clearly state that the majority of participants taking the survey preferred the genre ‘Thriller’. This is an advantage for us as our trailer would attract the majority of the audience. 
  • As we can see, under 10 people chose Sci Fi and Romance as their main favourite genre. This gives us the understanding that we should not use too much of these genres in our film and its best to avoid these.

2. What sub-genre would have the biggest impact on you?

  • As we can see, the majority of the participants chose Psychological as their favourite sub-genre. We would try to include as much psychological aspect to our thriller as we can, also involving horror as this is the second best sub-genre according to the participants. 
  • The least favourite genre was gangster, therefore we would use minimal gangster conventions as it is not needed to achieve a high audience.

3. Do you think romance is suitable in a thriller film?

  • The results show that the majority of the participants (nearly 45%) answered ‘yes’ to romance in a thriller film
  • This influences our decision in allowing some romance in the film, but not too much to override the thriller genre. 

4. What would you most like to see in a thriller film?

  • As we can see, the majority of the participants voted that they would most like to see ‘romance’ in a thriller film.
  • This has added to the influence of adding some romance in our film, possibly with two ‘victims’.
  • We can also see that car chasing came a close second. This is helpful as it gives us the availability of car chasing to use in our film to grab more audience attention.

5. What location would you most like to see in a thriller film?

  • The majority of the participants voted for ‘In a castle’ as their favourite location. This is dependable on availability for us, we could, however, use a castle as an establishing shot at the beginning.
  • Abandoned buildings came a close second, therefore, we would defiantly be using abandoned buildings to give a more bigger effect on the audience. 

6. What type of music would you most like to hear in a thriller trailer?

  • We can see that the majority of the participants chose suspense and climax as the type of music they would most like to hear in a thriller trailer.
  • This has influenced our decision in finding this type of music, having it being fast paced (or increasing speed throughout trailer), as fast paced came a close second.
  • The least amount of people chose Jazz and rap music to hear in a thriller film, therefore, we will avoid these types of music.

7. How many victims would you like to see involved in the film?

  • We can clearly see that the majority of the participants chose five-six victims in the film. This has influenced our decision in choosing 6 victims to use.
  • We have avoided using too little and too many victims as it may not have a big enough impact on the audience. 

8. What convention/s would you most like to see in a thriller film?

  • The majority of participants chose anticipation to be seen in a thriller film. This has influenced us in using much of this in order to grab the audience’s attention. 

  • This question was an open question that asked 'What grabs your attention in a thriller trailer/what makes you want to watch the film?'
  • These are some responses that I found were most common:

10. Do you prefer voice-overs in a film trailer?

  • As we see, the majority of participants chose ‘no’ they don’t want to hear voice over’s in the trailer. This has influenced our final decision in that we will not be using voice-overs as it wouldn't appeal to many of the target audience we aim for. 

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