Friday 5 October 2012

Survey: Market Research

Survey Layout

  • This is our questionnaire that we made to collect quantitative and qualitative data in order to produce our film trailer to the best it can be to attract the target audience of 18-40 year old males and females.

  • To start off with, question 1 is a simple question that allows us to know exactly what percentage of our target audience like the film genre, Thriller. It is used as a control question to see actually how many people like the thriller genre and what other genres they liked that we could possibly include conventions of.
  • Question 2 is also used as a control question, to see how many people like the action sub-genre. We can also find out what other sub-cultures our target audience likes that we could possibly include parts of.
  • Question 3 is a straight forward question. We debated on whether or not we should include romance in our film to add a twist. This is an important question for us that we would like feedback on. 

  • Question 4 is a rating scale question. Participants have to rate 13 conventions of a thriller from 'Strongly like' to 'Strongly dislike'. This is a good question to use to find out exactly what would be useful and have the greatest effect on the audience if we used these things. 

  • Question 5 is also a rating scale question. We can find out exactly what sort of locations our target audience would like to see in a thriller film. This would be useful in determining where to film and what location will have the greatest effect on the audience.
  • Question 6 asks a multiple-choice question about the music in the trailer. This will give us a clear idea of what the majority of the people taking the survey would like to hear in a thriller trailer
  • Question 7 asks another multiple-choice question about how many victims the audience would like to see fight to the death in the trailer. It would give us a clear idea on how many actors/actresses are needed in order to satisfy the audience.

  • Question 8 is a multiple-choice question that is designed so that we can find out exactly what to put into the film trailer in order to have a big effect on the audience. 
  • Question 9 is an open question. We have used this to receive qualitative data on what catches the viewers attention when watching a film trailer. This is one of the most important questions as we can get an insight into what the participants specifically wants to see in the trailer in order to be attracted to and captivated by it.
  • Question 10 is our finishing question to find out if voice-overs are good to use in our trailer. A simple yes/no choice is much clearer in understanding whether the majority of the audience like to hear a voice-over in the trailer or not.

Link to our Survey Results

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