Monday 15 October 2012

Props Research

  • I have researched props that would have a great effect in our film. The props need to be relevant to the thriller genre in order to allow the audience to understand the representation of each character in the film.
  • The most used prop in thrillers are weapons such as guns, knives and explosives. They add the suspense element whilst showing the tension between characters in the film.


  • Guns would be a great prop to use in order for the victims in our film to use to kill other competitors in the ‘Akeldama’ death game. 
  • Guns are typically used in thriller/action films and have connotations of death, danger and evil. 
  • This prop would be used by characters that are fierce, competitive, powerful, and lethal and are willing to kill.
  • Guns can also show hierarchy of each character. Characters with guns are most likely to have more power above characters that do not have guns. 
  • Using this prop would maximise tension and fear between the characters in the film and also get the audience intrigued and asked the question ‘will he shoot?’


  • Briefcases can be used to indicate a victim’s background for example; one victim would be a typical upper-class workman who has a family to provide income for.
  • A briefcase can also insinuate mystery/enigma as it could be used as a temptation for the victims asking the audience a question of ‘will he open the briefcase?’ and ‘what’s inside?’. Inside, could be anything from money to a bomb. 
  • The hard case covers up what’s inside well which gives nothing away to the victims and the audience about what’s inside.
  • Having a black briefcase connotes danger, enigma, fear, power and the unknown which would be good to represent it in a negative way.
  • Black also connotes elegance and formality which would be appropriate for the typical workman.
  • The victim who may use this briefcase could be a father-figure in the film, taking care of others and trying to stop the death game.

Red Lipstick

  • Red lipstick would be worn by one of the female victims in the film. 
  • Red has connotations of danger, blood and power. This prop could therefore be used by a manipulative female character who ‘always gets what she wants’.
  • However, the colour also has positive connotations of love, passion and sexual elegance. This could be tied in with a negative aspect giving a character the chance to be manipulative over characters of the opposite sex, while deceiving and empowering them. 


  • Cars would be a great prop to use for our idea of a car chasing scene we may use in our film.
  • Depending on availability, we may use old cars or new cars in our film. 
  • Ideally, we would like to use newer cars as typical conventions in thriller films contain classy, expensive cars with many gadgets. 
  • The use of cars would add to the action and excitement in our film, especially targeting the male proportion of the audience. This relates to our sub-genre of action-thriller.
  • A car chase would be used for the last remaining ‘victims’ chasing each other to kill and win the ‘competition of survival’. 
  • The car/s engine and screech of tires creating friction against the floor would also be good sound to use in our film as subliminal sounds to give full effect and increase tension.
  • The car/s would be in dull, dark colours which have connotations of death, power and control which would be parallel with the scene of chasing to kill.

Rottweiler dog

  • The use of a dog (especially a Rottweiler) in our film would be great as a companion for the ‘enemy’ and the ‘bad guy’. 
  • Rottweiler’s are dogs that are stereotypically used in threat and defence and would most likely attack viciously if demanded to by its ‘leader’.
  • They are seen as strong and fierce dogs and can be used in our film to guard entrances and, for example, the briefcase explained above. 
  • They are notoriously known for being dangerous dogs, which would be a great representation to portray in our film as it gives a more realistic view.

Phones (iPhone)

  • Phones will be used in our film for the ‘victims’ to try to call for help and find that there is no signal. This would add to the eeriness of their surroundings and give the feeling of isolation and being trapped away from the outside world.
  • New phone models such as the iPhone add to the major use and involvement of technology in our film. 
  • It shows that our film is modern and up-to-date, giving the plot a more real-life feel to it.
  • The use of popular phone devices can relate more to the audience where they can ‘put themselves in the victims’ shoes’ and making them wonder what they would do in that situation.

Digital Clock

  • A digital clock would be used in our film to show the ‘victims’ how much time they have left in order to survive.
  • We can show the clock timer speeding up, signalling time ticking away very rapidly, and slowing down to show the last remaining seconds of the timer.
  • The tempo of the timer can depend on what scenes are shown. Fast timer to show how quick and rapid the scene is going (full of action), and slow paced timer is someone is being tortured for example.
  • We are also using clock digits in our trailer to build tension and enigma.
  • It suggests the importance of time, indicating that every second counts while adding tension.

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