Wednesday 24 October 2012

Arena (2011): Three scenes deconstruction

The storyline of arena is similar to our own, as it also explores the concept of killing to survive and the idea of the public being sick. The plot is; their is a website called Death Games, which shows real fights for the death- the main protagonist David Lord looses his wife, and so ends up falling into alcoholism. When drinking in a bar, he picks up a woman, who tasers him and kidnaps him, he then is held captive and forced to kill others to survive. As the plot of this film, holds many similarities to our own film trailer I thought it would be a good source of inspiration, too look at how the film shows the idea's of brutality, violence and desperation- each elements we're hoping to depict.

First Scene chosen:

The first scene that is particularly relevant, is a scene showing the capture of the main protagonist David Lord, first waking up and realising he is trapped.

  • Mise en scene-
  • There is a chain around David's neck- the position dehumanises him, it is positioned like a colour the use of the chain connotes a lack of authority and power and reflects the idea that his life is now in the hands of his kidnappers. (Close up on protagonist below)
  • He pushes against the chain's resting his whole weight on his neck- shows his characters determination and strength to be free (traits which our film trailer will show).
  • Bars- Like prison bars, reflects idea of being trapped, caged again adding to the idea he is being dehumanised.
  • On the other side of the bars sits the woman who captured him- giving her a sense of authority- she is in charge now. A key shot showing this is this wide framed close up shot (below)
  • Her calm exterior (facial expression); reflecting she is used to this type of thing and she seems unbothered- suggests to the audience-she lacks morals.

  • Sound-
  • Metallic clang/bang noise of Davids chains as he struggles to free himself- furthers the idea of his captures strength.
  • Main female protagonists soft tone of voice- "Do you want me?" subverts the stereotype of violence being something macho, and shows how she still exploits her sexuality in such a high tension situation.
  • Growling noise coming from David- again using animistic behaviour, to reflect the lack of humanity within "Arena".
Second scene selected:

The second scene I've selected is the main fight scene, which shows the  brutality of the games, and is the part which relies most heavily on makeup and costume.

Mise en scene:
  • Weapons- Each character is forced to pick up a weapon- blades are provided and the weapons grow worse as the fights progress ending with nail guns and death by impalement.
  • Blood- heavy use of blood and gore- makeup has been used cleverly to show, deep skin wounds (for example one crossing over the main protagonist's right shoulder).
  • There is blood splatter on David's face reflecting his first kill- and loss of morality.

  • The style of the fight is oriental- playing on the traditional Korean/Japenese slasher format.
  • Costume- David and his opponent both wear traditional martial art style clothing.
  • This cleaner version changes as in another fight he is shown wearing traditional gladiator style dress- for example- leather breaches, and chest plate.

Third scene:
This scene i've selcted depicts the public watching the fights at home- adding to the idea that the public are sick.
  • Mise en scene-
  • Computer screen in high school  bedroom (shown in close up shot), suggests that college students are watching it.
  • The words "Death Games" appear on scream, and two male characters (un-named) high five each other shows their excitement for the game.
  • The two guys have invited all their friends to view the show and in the background (long shot) is a banner reading "DEATH GAMES" - implying their anticipation for the fight.
  • Cups of drinks, and food being passed around- similair to a viewing at a cinema shows the lack of care people have concerning the actual fighter's to them it is just 'entertainment'. We hope to explore this idea in Akeldama.
  • Narrative- "This is gonna be sick!" two male characters, at computer screen suggests their enjoyment again.
  • Roar of excitement- loud noise, gives the idea of group mentality- they have all grown to enjoy the games, in comparrison to an earlier scene where two girls watching it seemed to be sickened by the blood an violence  (suggests this is becoming the norm).

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