Tuesday 23 October 2012

How to: Explosions

Youtube Tutorial 1:

This tutorial shows us how to make a large popper/snapper bomb. It gives us an in-depth description, giving us details of what you need to be able to make one (such as tiny toy 'snapper bombs'), and how to assemble it together.
This has influenced us into making these for our film. Although it does not make an actual explosion that we want. this would still be great to use for subliminal sound in our film. The crack and pop sounds would be good to use in fight scenes adding to the effect and tension of the scene. 

Youtube Tutorial 2:

This tutorial gave us a better understanding of how to make real fire explosions. This type of explosion is just the right size for us to use in our film, therefore, would be a great addition to our film. This video gives us a step by step guide as to how to make it using binder clip, cinder block, a tube, a funnel and a coffee creamer.
This video has defiantly influenced us into practising and using this video as a guide to explosions.

Explosions using Windows Movie Maker (CGI):

This YouTube tutorial shows us how to create virtual explosions via Windows Movie Maker. This can be our alternative idea if we cannot produce a real version of one. It would give the same effect but more an intense explosion that we may not have been able to produce for safety reasons. 
This can be our backup idea if our real explosions do not work. It can also add to the explosions that may work on the day to make the scene more dramatic and action-packed. It would make the explosions seem bigger than they actually are which is great for us to use if needed.

The ‘jiggle’ effect is how to make the camera move and jolt while the ‘explosion’ is used. This YouTube video also gives a tutorial on how to make this ‘jiggle’ effect which would be great to add to our film for extra drama and tension. 

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