Sunday 21 October 2012

Make up Research - Fake wounds and injuries

Due to the film we are making the trailer and promotion for being a acton/thriller film with a lot of action involved in the narrative, it is important we know how to effectively use make up to create fake wounds and generally make it the effect of the 'games' on the characters look real. 

I have looked up some different ways of creating these effects but most of them looked over exaggerated and more suitable for halloween than a professional film. However some step by step tutorials I have found on Youtube have been really useful and show that making the injuries look real doesn't have to be expensive and laborious.

Below is a short tutorial made by BBC Blast on how to make a small wound that looks very realistic:

I really liked how simple this tutorial made the make up so I decided to look through the other videos by the same make up artist, I think his name is Gregory Vicks, and I found that he has made another tutorial for BBC blast that is really useful for making another wound we may need. 
Below is a tutorial for a fake burn - I think it could be interesting to try this with one of the characters as it would be a injury that would make the situation obviously more serious:

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