Tuesday 16 October 2012

Character representation - Drake

Marksman - Drake

For our character of the marksman I will be analysing the character of Private Jackson from the film Saving Private Ryan as I feel that he holds many of the qualities that we desire to show in our character of drake.

The main traits we can receive from private Jackson are:
  • His fearlessness
  • His trust in his weapon
  • His trust in God
  • His obedience
  • His speed and agility with his weapon
  • His calm attitude
His dialogue emphasises his traits, and there are some good ideas that could be used in our trailer

  • He speaks to his rifle when he is shooting several people at once. He says "Come on baby" which shows how much he values his sniper and personifies it to show he is putting his trust in it.
  • His quotes from the bible are also very emotive and effective, the scriptures chosen are extremely relevant and that shows how he is calm because he trusts that his God is looking after him. He says "My God I trust in thee, Let me not be ashamed, Let not my enemies triumph over me," and then he takes the shot.
 These scenes with Private Jackson's dialogue are very iconic and give him very strong characterisation, which would be useful to apply to our character of Drake in our trailer.

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