Tuesday 23 October 2012

Woman In Black (2012) Poster deconstruction

  • The typography is very ghostly which relates to its horror genre. It is like chalk-esque fading white font which is immediately noticeable to the eye and provides a sense of eeriness and supernatural being to it.
  • The tagline asks ‘Do you believe in Ghosts?’ This gives a clear idea that the film is based on the supernatural and addresses the audience directly and makes the audience feel involved.
  • Well known actors name, Daniel Radcliff, is shown on the poster contrasting to the black background which makes the text stand out and attracts the actor’s fans.
  • The text has an eerie feel which suits the genre of the film. It is shown in white who is also ghostly. It is also shown in a light blue tint which insinuates negative connotations of cold and ice.
  • The same colours blue and white are merged into the colours of the main protagonists eye in the poster, which insinuates that this character may have some ghostly past in him too.
  • An obscure image of an eerie face is subliminally hidden and distorted in grainy monochrome colours. This adds a sense of enigma/mystery within the film. The face has dark circles in replace of eyes so we cannot see who or what this is which also adds to the enigma of the film.
  • Image of Daniel Radcliff shows direct eye contact with audience making them feel involved and shows he is a dominant character in the film. 

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