Wednesday 10 October 2012

The Hunger Games (2012) Website

The Hunger Games website-

  • Immediately upon opening the website,  hunger games related animations automatically begin to play creating something fun and interactive for their young target audience to view.
  • Also on entering the website the hunger games trailer begins to play; a common feature on all film websites. It is positioned in a large rectangle to the right of the page, making it hard for the viewer to miss.
  • The emblem of the hunger games is also animated; using computer manipulation to make it appear as though it is erupting into flames. This not only makes a visually exciting impression on the viewer but also links directly to an iconic scene from within the film; , where the two main protagonists' clothing is set a light as a symbol of the coal mining district they belong too.  
  • The emblem also connotes the idea of glory and triumph by using the rich colour gold, which is traditionally used by  victors or people of importance and wealth.  
  • But also could signify danger, fire being deadly; these are two key concepts within the film. 
  • Using animation that directly links with the film plot like this, is an effective way for the fans to identify with the website and is something our group has been considering trying to include on our website design.
  •  “The Hunger Games”, “Strategy is everything” the tag line used as an emblem on the side of the website differs from the poster “The world will be watching”. It has the same effect as the film poster tag line, implying the pressure on the protagonists “Is everything” emphasising this as though it is make or break.

  • Layout- As the website loads the official hunger games emblem appears igniting in flames, surrounded by informative information; 59 days, 59 hours, 59minutes and the release date of the film. Also a poll- voting for the two favourite main protagonists (Katniss or Peta)- appeals to a younger audience.

  •  Above this is a link to face book where it says “Keep up to date” giving the audience a chance to still interact with the film after they’ve seen it.

  • At the bottom right is another way for the viewer to interact as there is a poll to chose which is your favourite protagonist.

  • On the bottom left corner is a link to a separate page which has “hunger game” related games- targeting there audience of young teens and children.  Host's links to games directly influenced by the game, keeping fan loyalty high, by having 'games which are attractive to a target audience of teenagers 13+ . 

  •  The website uses the conventional links to social media websites. 
  • Or opportunities on every page to tweet, like the site on facebook or to mention the website on your google profile about the film. This relates to the young target audience who are constantly in touch with social media, and often want to share information with one another.

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