Wednesday 17 October 2012

Make up research- Scratches and bruises

As well as wounds, our group are looking to use make up to create smaller injuries and bruising, to make realistic mise en scene. I found a lot of online video tutorials  to help with this; here are some of those most effective guides.

This one I particularly liked, as it was simple and achievable to do in a short amount of time, but produced a good dark bruise effect. We are looking to use tips from this tutorial on the character Nyla and Della.

Below is another video that is useful it shows how to make small cuts and facial wounds using ordinary makeup. The woman in the clip is precise and shows how this could be created using simple make-up which we can easily buy. It is also a quick technique which will make it viable to do when the actors are on location, as we will be filming outside for some of the scenes, and wont want to be spending too long on makeup.

It is likely that we will use both of these techniques, too great a range of wounds in our film.

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