Tuesday 23 October 2012

Costume research - women

it is important for the representation of the character that we chose the correct type of costume. I have looked in to the costumes used in similar films and have looked into the idea of uniforms or just normal clothes for the characters.

This is Emilia Burns in 'The condemned' in which prisoners fight it out for survival and freedom. Her costume has some traits we could replicate:

  • It is quite tight on the top half to show she is athletic 
  • The low cut top is used to make her look attractive but we could use a similar idea to show off wounds or bruises. We could also use this type of costume for our more feisty female roles as they will need to look more attractive. 
  • she is wearing practical combat trousers.
  • The trousers and top are both green - mimics the colours used in army uniforms.
  • She is wearing practical army boots. 
  • Her hair is down to emphasise her distress and her movements when running. It also shows she was not entirely prepared for the situation.

This is Devin Kelley in 'Chernobyl diaries' in which a group of tourists find that the site of Chernobyl is haunted. Her costume has some traits we could copy:

  • her top is loose but actually quite low cut.
  • She is wearing normal clothing - means that the audience believe this is just a normal person and we can relate to her more. 
  • Her hair is down (like the first example) and messy. 
  • she is wearing simple make up but enough to make her attractive.

 This is Katie Cassidy in 'Nightmare on Elm Street' from 2010 in which a man gets revenge on the children of his enemies by attacking them in their sleep. Her costume is simple but we could still take some aspects from it :

  • She is wearing a low cut and ver short night dress to make her look young and sexy - it also shows off her reasonably athletic frame. 
  • The white shows she is innocent and will also show off any injuries or dirt well.
  • Her hair is up in a loose ponytail - this has slightly fallen out to show she is distressed and has been running. 

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