Thursday 4 October 2012

Location 2 reasearch


  • The outside view of our third location is very gritty and run down. It is an events place located underneath London Bridge which is ideal as it is not far away.
  • The car park would make good camera shots if we were to use and is in a very confined space which could suggest that the ‘victims’ are trapped and isolated away.
  • The fact that there are also not many windows can suggest that the location is locked away and there is little air and escape, inside.
  • Although, we would have to film at a time where there are no cars in the car park which belong to the public.
  • The dull, brown bricks with overgrown plants and weeds add to the effect of an abandoned area in the middle of nowhere where no one has been there to clean it up. This would create a sense of realise give a sense of enigma as to what would be inside a place like this. 


  • This is a large, ruined, empty, derelict tunnel within the building. It looks like an underground mine and also gives the look of sewage tunnels. This suits our genre of a thriller/horror as the audience may find out what is lurking inside this creepy, disturbing and nightmarish place. 
  • A large tunnel separates into two smaller tunnels. These two tunnels have a great effect as both tunnels juxtapose each other, having contrasting lighting of a warm, orange colour and a cold, blue/white colour. This could make the audience ask the question of ‘which tunnel is the best to go down?’ and ‘what happens if you go down the wrong tunnel?’ and also gives the sense of a ‘right or wrong’ and ‘good or bad’ situation.
  • This location would be ideal for a hiding place for specific ‘victims’ in the film. It stimulates the audience to ask the question of what you will find down in each tunnel, creating a sense of enigma/mystery which would suit our genre choice of thriller/horror ideally.
  • This location includes a source of lighting in the tunnel which would be very helpful when it comes to filming. The light beams off particular sections of walls which would be perfect if we filmed a scene where a person is receding out from the darkness and into the light.
  • The walls seem to have an orange tint to it. This could be useful in our film as a horror scene because it gives the effect of fire, warmth and danger which fits in with our genre of a thriller/horror. 

  • This is another section inside the building. It looks like a film set itself which can be ideal as it has the look and feel of the sort of image we wanted to portray in our film.
  • This space includes many set-props including tables, chairs and pipes that would possibly be very useful in production to the filming.
  • This space could be used for action parts of our film where victims are fighting each other to the death, while blocking and hiding away from each other using the set-props.
  •  Each three windows have been graffiti on with the numbers 20, 17 and 21. This could be useful to use as a ‘countdown’ – having a time limit for winning the game.

  •       This is another area within the building. It can be portrayed as a bar or cafe which could be useful for our film if our ‘victims’ have a meeting for the ‘game’ they are going to play.
  •       The walls are painted in an orange/red colour which have connotations of fire, anger, danger and blood which fits our genre of thriller/horror perfectly.
  •       It would be a good atmosphere to portray at the beginning which will juxtapose what is about to happen to the victims in the upcoming scenes.
  •       The bar would be empty which indicates loneliness with a sense of eeriness and enigma within. 

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