Monday 22 October 2012

Costume research - men

To maintain a constant look for our trailer, controlling the appearance of our characters is vital. Costume tells us a lot about  character and is hugely important for the representation of the character. I need to look at other films with similar themes to ours to see how they use costume to show who our characters are. 

  • This shot from 'The Hunger Games' shows the costume of the character Peeta. He is part of the games and so is a perfect role to look at for our costumes as our characters will be in a similar situation. 
  • He is dressed in simple khaki combat trousers, a dark navy t-shirt and hiking boots. This a practical outfit designed to be suitable for the running and fighting involved in the film- he also has a black rucksack and black waterproof jacket at the beginning of the games. 
  • The make up is actually more important to the costume as that is what shows us he is actually doing something dangerous - with the dirt, blood and cuts - than the clothing. However the clothing is important as it shows us that this is just a normal person but, when shown with the other characters, we can see it is a sort of uniform. 
  • These shot show the main costumes in 'The Experiment' (2010) - the character '7' is in the top shot and the second image shows the clothes given to the prisoners to wear. The white vest worn by 7 ( he also is wearing the pale green/grey trousers given to the prisoners) makes him appear innocent and vulnerable - the amount of flesh on show makes him look even more vulnerable as well. 
  • The pale green of the prisoners uniform makes them look vulnerable and almost weak.
  • The loose fit also makes us see them as weak because it hides their muscles and makes them look small and thin.
  •  The number and, later, 7's shaved head is reminiscent of how prisoners looked in the holocaust.

  • This is a shot from 'Saw 4'. This costume is very simple - the man is wearing a relaxed shirt with a white t-shirt underneath. He is dressed like a normal/average man to allow the audience to relate to him - we can more easily believe he is just like us. 
  • The blood splatter is the only sign (obviously ignoring the glass tank on the mans head) from the costume that this is not a normal, average situation.  
  • The character is in pale colours - this is for two reasons : the first is that it shows the character as innocent and undeserving of what is happening and the second is so that the dirt and blood shows easily. 
  • The blood splatter across the white and grey shirt could be symbolic of how the character appears innocent but Saw knows what bad things he has done and is revealing them to taint his clean image. 

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