Tuesday 16 October 2012

Actor appearance - strong woman

Strong woman appearance:

  • Renee Zellweger's character Emily Jenkins in 'Case 39' is a strong hero of the film who is being victimised by a demonic girl she has agreed to foster. 
  • Her appearance reflects her loss of control. Her hair becomes messier and her root grow through to reflect that the problem with the girl is the only thing she is concerned with and not her appearance. 
  • Her clothes also become more casual as she is no longer the controlling social care worker by the end of the film. 
  • Having a blonde main woman in a horror film is actually quite unusual - most leading ladies are brunette in this genre. This is mainly because the connotations of having dark hair is strength and not being as girly as being blonde implies. Blondes normally play the weaker victim who has to be rescued. 

  • Jenifer Laurence who plays Katniss Everdeen in 'Hunger games' fits the common casting of a brunette, strong heroin character. Dark hair normally has connotations of being strong and more manly in character than blonde girls. 
  • Laurence is quite pretty but more in a natural way than glamorous - this means that the audience find it easier to relate to her and believe that she is capable of any heroic actions she does. 
  • In height and weight the actress is average. This sounds like it isn't important but this means that the audience can relate to her and means we believe she is a normal person facing unusual problems. If she was over weight or too skinny the audience would not believe the situation as much. 

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